写程序的时候总有报错:“TypeError: cannot concatenate ‘str’ and ‘float’ objects”。因为这个Python2呀比较轴,它认为“+”的意义要么就是加减乘除里的加号,要么就是相同变量的连接。所以,
number=raw_input(number) print("number="+number)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- f = raw_input("Please input the degrees fahrenheit") t = (float(f) - 32.0 ) / 1.8 print("The degrees celsius is " + str(t))
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>py 3.1.py Please input the degrees fahrenheit: 35.6 The degrees celsius is 2.0
Write a function called maximum(x,y) that returns the biggest of the two parameters x and y. Test this function with a call like maximum("hej","ha"). What's the result?
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- def maximum1(x,y): #字符串比较 if(cmp(x,y)): #或者也可以直接比较x>y return str(y) else: return str(x) def maximum2(x,y): #数字比较 if(int(x)>int(y)): return str(x) else: return str(y) x=raw_input("Input the first number: ") y=raw_input("Input the sencond number: ") print("The biggest parameter is "+ maximum1(x,y)) print("The biggest parameter is "+ maximum2(x,y)) #这个如果输入的是字符串,会报错
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>py 4.1.py Input the first parameter: hej Input the second parameter: ha The biggest number is ha
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>py 4.1.py Input the first parameter: 473 Input the second parameter: 72 The biggest parameter is 72
The biggest number is 473
Write a function printlarge(v) that will print out all the elements within the array v, which is larger than 1 000 000.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- num=1 v=list() while(num!="0"): num=raw_input("input the number in array(input 0 if you want to finish)") v.append(num) print("output of the array: ") print(v)
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>py 6.1.py input the number in array(input 0 if you want to finish)1000000 input the number in array(input 0 if you want to finish)1000000 input the number in array(input 0 if you want to finish)2000000 input the number in array(input 0 if you want to finish)0 output of the array: ['1000000', '1000000', '2000000', '0']